Arlington Municipal Complex on track for completion by year-end
Daily Memphian
Michael Waddell
Work crews have been making progress on the new Arlington Municipal Complex along Forrest Street west of the town’s historic Depot Square and it remains on schedule for completion later this year.
The project is part of the $6 million Forrest Street Park master plan and includes a new amphitheater, multi-use farmers market pavilion and more.
“The coronavirus hasn’t stopped construction since it’s outdoors and they can observe social distancing, but it’s more the rain that’s been a factor,” said Arlington Town Administrator Cathy Durant, who noted that there were 22 days of rain during March and 11 during April.
Soft soil has limited progress on a new parking lot, landscaping, lighting and irrigation. Work is underway on the 3,300-square-foot farmers market pavilion as well as two restroom buildings, while the cinder blocks are in place for the new amphitheater.
“I think this will be a real asset for Arlington,” said David Baker, manager of the planning and landscape architecture department for Fisher & Arnold. His firm is handling the architecture, site layout and landscaping. “It’s going to provide some nice amenities and activities for the town.”
Connectivity is a big piece of the project, with walking trails throughout and more planned that will connect to Depot Square.
“The main challenge has been to try to keep the existing soccer complex operational and open during construction of this other portion of the site,” said Baker, who noted plants around the farmers market will include native plants that have edible fruit, including varieties of blueberry and hazelnut.
The amphitheater was originally envisioned to hold up to 575 people, but that number was scaled down during the design process.
“After meeting with the town and the steering committee, we felt like that might’ve been a little larger than their projected needs, so we revised that and now it’s seated for about 335 with a mix of fixed seating, seating that will be on retaining walls, and then an open lawn behind it,” Baker said. “We thought we’d provide something for everyone since some people like to spread a blanket out while others would rather sit in fixed seating.”
Durant expects everything will be finished and ready to open by November or December, with the first community events likely in early spring, such as Arlington in April and then the Music on The Square concert series that runs from April until October.
“We’re researching things having to do with farmers markets, asking around at some of the current farmers markets about vendors that might be interested in setting up out here as well,” said Durant, who also sees the multi-use pavilion being very popular for weddings, birthdays, family reunions and other special events.
An estimated 270 parking spots will be available to accommodate all of the new amenities. Two outparcels will also be available on site for future development.
“We would love eventually to see a library down there,” Durant said. “But money dictates everything, and who knows what the economy is going to do after all of this.”
She says the town’s new Fire Station #2 being built at corner of Donelson and Airline roads and the new tennis complex that opened last year on Memphis-Arlington Road took precedence over a new library or a new Town Hall – which had been included in early concepts years ago for the new municipal complex – due to financial considerations.
Phase 1 of the Forrest Street Park master plan opened last year and included new soccer fields and an adjacent pavilion, a tot lot playground, the Depot Square community garden, and a small lake with water fountain.
“Watching the Municipal Complex progress is exciting, because I know the opportunities that will be provided to Arlington residents due to the new facilities,” said Arlington Chamber of Commerce Director Tonia Howell. “The amphitheater will be a great home for Arlington’s Music on the Square series, theatrical plays, and other gatherings – and Arlington will have an outstanding farmers market, something we have been missing for several years.”
The new Arlington Municipal Complex includes a new amphitheater, multi-use farmers market pavilion and more. (Mark Weber/Daily Memphian)